sostenibilità klinmak macchine per la pulizia professionale

Sustainability is not just a word but a real act.

As a manufacturer of cleaning machines, we care about the future of the planet. The main focus of our sector are cleaning and hygiene, so being sustainable means taking into consideration not only the protection of the environment but also the well-being of people.

That’s why every our product that we realize have intrinsic values ​​of sustainability, which reflect the company philosophy. We are sure of the goodness of our work that we were the first to introduce some green innovations in our machines.

Reduced energy consumption

We invest in R&D activities so our products have the best cleaning efficiency with reduced energy consumption

Made to last

We designed our products so they could last years, in that way we reduce the maintenance assistance and decrease waste production.

Le caratteristiche green dei nostri prodotti

Consumi ridotti

Investiamo in R&D affinché le nostre macchine abbiamo la stessa efficienza con un minore uso di energia.

Fatti per durare

Studiamo i nostri prodotti affinchè possano durare anni, in questo modo diminuiamo il bisogno di manutenzione e abbassiamo la produzione di scarto.

Green features of our products

sostenibilità klinmak
Emissions filtering

We were the first in our sector to add emissions filtering in our machines, thanks to a system that makes them more safety and less polluting.

Lower noise pollution

Using low consumption energy motors, our products have a low sound level, that makes them comfortable to use.

With our work we concretely
support ONU SDGs

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the 17 goals for 2030 agreed by the UN as part of the Global Agenda for Sustainable Development, which aim to bring progress on a path of sustainability.

Discover more on SDGs